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Support Squad

We are here to help you take a load off.


Getting it done.

Streamlining and automating bill payments so you don’t have to worry about late fees. Ever!

Saving you…

And your time and money by shopping for better deals and making switching super easy!

A dose of sanity.

Giving you the flexibility and breathing room to pay your bills back in bite size chunks

Little app. Big dreams.

Bree is on a mission to give you back your sanity. Stop juggling 50 balls… we’ve got this one.

Bree Support Squad’s Got You!

We’ve partnered with some of Australia’s leading money coaches at Best Financial Friend (BFF) to provide Bree members with 1 on 1 financial support when you need it most. Book in your free 60 minute online session with your BFF (Bree’s shouting this one):

About Best Financial Friend (BFF)

BFF’s are real people who are on a mission to help you become financially secure, so you can enjoy a stress-free and debt-free life.

At BFF, we believe that you can take control of your money and wellness with real connection, accountability and a little help and knowledge.

Book Your Free Money Coaching Session
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